Enterprise Iowa was founded by Phil Dunshee in 1999. At its core, EI is focused on project management – many kinds of projects – ranging from software development to economic development. Phil has served in numerous project management and executive roles.
- Project Manager and Site Administrator for Iowa Land Records, a statewide collaborative initiative of Iowa’s 99 counties. See https://iowalandrecords.org/ – 2003 to Present
- Executive Director of the Johnston Economic Development Corporation – 2004 to 2021
- Consultant to the State of Iowa Chief Information Officer – 2000 to 2003
- Deputy Director, Iowa Department of Economic Development – 1995 to 1999
- Policy Advisor to Governor Terry E. Branstad (Education, Economic Development, Technology) – 1989 to 1994
- Lobbyist representing Iowa school boards and public education – 1980 to 1989
As a project management and consulting firm Enterprise Iowa has assembled numerous professional teams to achieve the goals and objectives of its clients. Enterprise Iowa continues to innovate and explore how technology can be applied to produce positive results. Phil serves as a volunteer and contributor to the national Property Records Industry Association which has produced several papers on best practices for property records management and the real estate industry generally.